Free Help Package

What Do You Get By Signing Up?

Backup Option
Secured 25%
Your Site Updated
Secured 50%
Security Headers Taken Care Of
Secured 75%
Login Options Secured
Secured 100%

Looks Good, Right?

Experience peace of mind with our Free Help Package, designed to bolster your WordPress site’s security by 75%. For 7 days, enjoy basic security plugins installation and WordPress setup enhancements, allowing you to assess the benefits before deciding to upgrade.

How To Start?

Please fill out the form below. Once we receive your message and take a look at your site, we will contact you asking for logins and sending the link for payment.

Please DO NOT SEND Login information here.

We will send you a secured form for sensitive information.

General Questions

Yes, our Free Help Package is available for 7 days and includes basic security plugins installation and WordPress setup enhancements. Please note that while we strive to improve security, we cannot guarantee 100% effectiveness as we do not host your site.

Limited Guarantee:
Please note that while our Free Help Package aims to enhance your site’s security, we cannot provide a 100% guarantee as we do not host your site. For optimal security and performance, consider upgrading to our paid version, which includes a range of additional features and benefits tailored to your needs.